Those of you that know me, know all too well that designing the home decor of our house just perfectly is my pride and joy in life. It is my small way of exploring my creative side, and challenging my personal limitations of design. Well, I have done it again, I have transformed our humble guest space into an oasis for a little Boy, our soon to be son!
The Before shots... At one time a modest guest room
In The Process...
The inspiration began with this adorable bedding set I discovered on Etsy, only hours after finding out Baby P. was a boy, we knew we wanted to go with a light airy grey regardless of theme, and it all started from there.
We chose 'Classic Silver' by Behr premium paint, it's an excellent subtle grey with brown tones (rather then blue or yellow) so it works great as a modern neutral. Our ultimate plan was to create a BOY room, rather then a nursery space that he will grow out of too quickly.
The color turned out to be perfectly subtle with the antique white furniture we chose (rather, 'scored' on buy/sell sites). We played around with our layout for weeks, just to be sure we had everything in the right place before putting holes in the walls.
Wallpapering the accent wall! I chose a very subtle Map print that was actually a part of pirate themed decor, however, because of the light neutral tones, it still works with our Vintage Airplane/ Travel theme.
I added a vinyl wall decal in a vintage plane print to really tie in the wallpaper with the overall travel theme. The decal also helps to define our seating area/ reading nook! This gorgeous hutch was another used score, and my parents dedicated a weekend to painting it in the matching antique white for us.
The Big Reveal!!!

The collage area, inspired by the large antique frame I discovered at a second-hand shop, has become a family gallery. It began with painting the frame (originally white with gold antiquing) a blue that matched the bedding. We had the other white and silver frames laying unused around the house. I antiqued the white ones as they were already looking aged and worn.

I removed the glass in one of the large ones and created a chalkboard by painting a thin piece of wood with chalkboard paint. The two silver frames contain baby photos of Shane and I along with our Hospital birth information cards.

From the other side of the room you can see the placement of the crib and change station. We opted for a dresser, as many seasoned parents have reported that change tables are a waste of an investment (since you are often changing the baby somewhere else in the house).

We mounted wooden crates painted in a light charcoal onto the wall space
above the change station, so that we would have plenty of storage for
the necessities. And a new mini mirror I found fit perfectly with its aged/old look.
We were sure to mount the crates high enough to allow plenty of room for lifting baby in and out of the Moses basket which we decided was a more secure choice then the contoured change pad.

I decided to continue the Vintage theme by utilizing Vintage Mason jars as storage for small items (soothers, amber jewellery, soother clips, hair brush, nail clippers, etc.) And the wooden boy sign was an original piece of Shanes nursery.

The search for the perfect hutch was long and painful, but totally worth it in the end. I was determined to provide this space with a bookshelf, but I didn't want anything that a child could reach (and ruin) without adult supervision. I also knew I was going to need extra storage space for the surplus of clothing baby P. has already acquired. Once painted, this piece has checked all the boxes, and made staging the room easy and complete.

A framed copy of our last ultrasound and a wedding photo of myself and both grandmothers are essential parts to welcoming baby to his new room.

The reading nook was situated under the window, simply because that is where the best view of the room is. The rocking chair was from my childhood, and although in a little rough shape, we managed to salvage it and created new, comfier upholstery for it.
The little table was an antique store find, and I just happened to come across this perfectly orange lamp on a discount shelf.

A close up of the wallpaper, shows the map details are very subtle, and the vinyl decal adds the perfect punch that the reading area needed.

Framed maps of Canada and Ontario show our roots, and play a role in tying the theme together. And, of course, we hung some vintage style metal planes high above the bed, in place of a mobile.
So there you have it, the tour of Baby P.s new space. Lucky you, to get to see it before he does!! Now, we play the waiting game, since it would seem we are ready for baby, lets not rush it too much though, I am quite content waiting just a little bit longer.