Monday, 1 October 2012


In the Spirit of our upcoming (Canadian) Thanksgiving, I wanted to make a running list of all the things I am thankful for, because part of this journey is discovering all the wonderful rewards and blessings and focusing less on my misfortunes.

  • My loving, wonderful, supportive Husband
  • A strong relationship where I can speak my mind, be open, and be me
  • The most awesome(est) Family (extended members included), which by the way I got to hang out with yesterday and appreciated every moment
  • The very best friends a girl could ask for
  • Other then the obvious Infertility issues we both generally have exceptional health
  • We have both been blessed (after a lot of hardwork) with great careers that enhance our sense of self worth, encourage us to expand our knowledge, and test our boundries to push us further in life
  • The ability to breath
  • The ability to live life to the fullest (despite some financial barriers) and live everyday without worry of a dangerous living environment
  • A roof over our heads (which also happens to be incredibly comfortable)
  • Our dogs, that I have mentioned more then once, really know how to light up my life
  • Our upcoming (TWO) turkey dinners that we get to enjoy, PLUS leftovers!!
  • The ability to get together as a family and spend some wonderful quailty time together
  • Appropriate cold weather attire, and heated interiors (especially thankful to be spending my first cold season with my new heated seats in my truck)
  • Support and Encouragement from my friends and family
  • Facebook (for keeping in touch with people I otherwise wouldnt even know anymore)
  • The ability to think independently, and trust that what I am thinking is appropriate and realistic (after working in Mental Health for 4+ years, I have come to really appreciate that my brian does not play tricks on me, or so I think)
  •  Womens rights to a degree (I would still really appreciate the traditional relationships in which women are regarded as loving mothers and houswives and greatly appreciated and understood in that role)
  • Choice
  • An outlet for my pain in this experience (Aka the Internet/computers/Blogger/and you guys)
  • The fascinating progression of nature as summer turns into fall and the beauty that is left to be appreciated
  • Watching children sleep
  • Watching my husband sleep
  • Watching my dogs do all the little funny and completely random things they do (like turn in a cirle a couple of times before lying down, or sighing for no good reason)
  • Hiking trails
  • The Canadian Healthcare System
  • Resources such as libararies and pharmacys, little mom and pop shops, and strong communities (Bowmanville is a pretty awesome community I must say)
  • Kind people that put a lot of work and effort into providing for the less fortunate (people who creat/run non-profit organizations, or put together fundraisers)
  • Please and Thank you's
  • Kindness and compassion
  • LOVE
  • Culture, laungages, and other interesting Changes that we can experience while travelling to other Countries
  • Hammocks (for the ability to feel weightless)
  • Text messaging for the ability to keep in touch on the fly
  • GPS so we don't waste anymore time getting lost (therefore having more time to spend with long lost friends or family)
  • Alarm clocks (sometimes)
  • Night shifts and 12 hour shifts (so I don't have to get up early too often
  • How this infertility experience has Changed me and my relationship with Shane (In an amazing way)
  • Learning
  • Surprises, and finding lost things and how amazing that feels
  • Experiencing emotions, and learning from them
  • Nostalgia
  • Sitting under a tree and reading a book
  • Sitting in a warm bed and reading a book
  • Playing in a pile of leaves (minus the racking part)
  • Playing in a pile of snow (minus the shoveling part)
  • Decorating for both fall and Christmas (but not at this same time of course)
  • LIFE
Now, I challenge you to leave your comment... What are you most thankful for?

1 comment:

  1. I am grateful for SEVERAL things this Thanksgiving…

    I am ABSOLUTELY thankful for my health. Having it is lucky, a gift, I work hard to maintain it and I never take it for granted.
    I am grateful for my friends and family who have stretched me far outside my limits and comfort zone.
    Life and all the lessons that have made and continue to make me a better person.
    Serenity and knowing there are thing...s that I cannot change and to move on
    Courage in knowing there are things that I CAN change and make a difference
    Wisdom in knowing the difference between what I can and cannot do.
    I’m incredibly thankful for a warm roof over my head, plenty of food, AMAZING
    fur-babies and a gorgeous man to wake up beside every morning (Love u babe)…

    Happy Thanksgiving my friend :)
