Early Tuesday morning I was scheduled for our much anticipated Gender determination Ultrasound, and late Tuesday morning I had a Gender Reveal Photo session booked with my good friend Lindsay Jeans of Olive Juice Photography. After a sleepless Monday cleaning and prepping my house as a photo studio, crafting props for the shoot, and the anxiety of what was to come, we settled into bed (late) and set our alarms for the next mornings activities.
Turns out what I thought was an 8:30 appt. was actually an 8am appt, so already our day started out late, I waited in the waiting room for hours thinking "Uh oh they are going to send me home and reschedule", but luckily enough they fit me in a little before ten. I laid on the stretcher while the very professional tech completed all her measurements and thought to myself; "What am I expecting?", "What do I want it to be?". All this time I had been preparing myself for a Girl, for no particular reason other then that it was my 'gut feeling' and although I also want a boy I was afraid that hearing "Congrats! Its a Boy" would set me into a whirl wind of emotions, simply because I was so certain it was a girl, that I genuinely couldnt wrap my head around the idea of a boy. But in those moments as I lay there waiting for this exciting news, I realized... No matter what sweet words come out of the techs mouth, boy or girl, I will be happy... nothing changes, this is still my baby made equally from the DNA of both hubby and myself, and there is no sweeter gift then that! Sure I want a girl so I can buy frilly dresses and FINALLY get away with painting a room in my house pink, but a boy would also bring so much Joy into my life too. I firmly believe that there would be nothing better to witness then the bond between my husband and his Son, or alternatively that of him and a daughter. No matter what the result could have been, I know without a shadow of a doubt that I am about to be a mom... the one thing I have sought my whole life to accomplish.
The tech took us through babes anatomy; 'Head and shoulder knees and toes' (sorry I couldn't resist). Then... she said it... "I hope you dont want to know the gender because I can't see a thing", annnnnnnnnnd my heart stopped, just for a moment, and I took a breath like I had just had the wind knocked out of me. My reaction was to shake what little baby belly I have and cry out "Can't we wake it up? lets get it moving, maybe give me some pop!". As it turns out, this truly is my husbands child because it didnt budge (though the heartbeat was clearly visible) and it remained curled with its knees to its chest, and its tiny feet hiding the only area I really needed to see. Now, not only do I have to look forward to a lifetime of rebellious actions from my husband but clearly this little critter is going to follow in his footsteps.
I regret not being able to reveal to you top secret information from within my womb... but I would still love to share with you a few photos from my not so gender revealing Photoshoot yesterday, Courtesy of Olive Juice Photography

I hope you enjoy, even if it's not quite what you were waiting to hear!
Much Love,
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