Saturday, 13 September 2014

This Hectic Life; Update

So I have been hiding, but for good reason I promise! So much has been going on in our lives we can barely keep up, let alone stop for a moment to blog it all. Hubby took on a bit of a career change, although he is still working on the same overall career plan, he is excited to be at a new place, doing something a little different, and with more growth opportunities then he had previously. We are very proud of him!

Elliott is growing like a weed, and these last several months brought so many more developments then the first seven did. He is now full-blown walking, has 8 teeth and counting, 24lbs 6oz, and 32 inches tall. He argues with shrieks of disapproval, and he is as independent as they come. He is eating full meals right off our plates (no more purees), and has a bedtime routine to die for! He gives high fives, hugs and kisses, identifies favourite toys, and has taken an active approach to playing with the dogs. He throws things in a temper tantrum, and stiffens up or hits out, though we are trying desperately to curb these behaviours. He gets more and more adorable by the day and sports a head full of hair. We integrated Elliott into a wonderful in-home daycare. He is thriving there and we all couldn't be more happy with the transition. He has learned so much already after just a few short months, and has learned to play well with playmates. Elliott had his first emergency disaster. He got a hold of my hot tea (yes these things can happen, even with constant supervision) and suffered 2nd degree burns to his chest and abdomen. He took an ambulance ride to the hospital and was admitted overnight at sick kids. We were well taken care of (to say the very least) and he has made a 100% recovery in just a very short time.

I, have officially returned to work! I thought I would dread the day, but it is serving me well so far. I would have never realized it while I was still at home taking in every little piece of my son everyday, but I needed this. I need the opportunity to put my over-active brain to work and get beck to the nursing assessments that I am used to. Don't get me wrong, I love my time with my son, and I spent every moment I could with him while I was home for that year, but this is a part of me too! I am more then just a mother, a am a great many things!

Elliott celebrated his first birthday! In a stylish "Lets go fly a kite" themed party we silently mourned the end of his first year in our lives, and welcomed all the exciting new adventure this next one will bring. Elliott was gracious enough to share his cupcake with momma, and then when offering it to dad he decided to throw it across his face instead, all in good humour of course! We called upon our immediate families to join in the celebration, so it was a nicely intimate event, and it went on without a hitch.

Elliott provided us with our biggest announcement of all!! We learned on Valentines Day afternoon (after this momma felt queasy and questionable for a few days) that we are welcoming another family member in October. This came as a big surprise to us, as we weren't trying, nor, did we believe we could conceive naturally after all we had been through to have Elliott. We could not possibly be happier about the news, ourselves, and recently learned it is another boy! We are so incredibly blessed in this life, to have been given the gift of "surprise" which I used to resent other women for after all these years of waiting. This journey is far from over, at now 9 months pregnant, and busy working full-time until my Mat leave in mid October. We are busy getting organized for the hectic life of raising 2 boys! We have a nursery to put together, and toys to get organized, but No matter how crazy it gets, I honestly wouldn't have it any other way!

Much Love, Lesleigh!

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